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My hunt for gaga oreos


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So, I have been looking for about a month now, but they officially released on jan. 28th.  i asked my mom if she could go to walmart to get them. at first she said no, but then she went and they didn't have them. the next  day my mom had to do groceries at walmart and she went but they didn't have the cookies (also know she went to different walmarts) but it said they had it in stock at the store she went to. so i didn't get them. now its saturday night in the story and we decide to order for pickup. but then on sunday walmart cancelled it. so we ordered for pickup at a different walmart and they are ready for pickup and i am going today

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Popster to Popster 3,889

Good luck!! There were hardly any on the shelf at my store, but they had a shelf for all random oreos up at the front of my store and I was able to get two.

....I then learned I do NOT like golden oreos just like I suspected. :nicki_scream:

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Pop visitors
2 hours ago, Dirkje said:

I understand why:



this was a whole scene last night on stan twit

yes im plugging my own tweets IDGAF!!!

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Kindness Admin 8,282

I spent two hours yesterday walking around Queens trying to find any. While everyone else was stocking up for this storm presently raging I went store to store until I found one package hidden behind other Oreos (nice try sis) and snatched it up. That said, I've ordered others online.

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Moderator 9,688
1 minute ago, admin said:

I spent two hours yesterday walking around Queens trying to find any. While everyone else was stocking up for this storm presently raging I went store to store until I found one package hidden behind other Oreos (nice try sis) and snatched it up. That said, I've ordered others online.

Maybe these oreos ARE the new toilet papers in that way XD

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