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The music discovery thread


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Moderator 6,953

This thread is for discovering new music! 

Personally my playlist on spotify doesnt just have music by artists with a #1 on the Hot 100. Some are new, try to break through. Others just want to stay unknown, or they try but just wont find a breakthrough. Does that mean their music is bad? No, I dont always think so.

If there is music you like that you feel like they deserve more exposure. Or feel like, hey, have you heard this one yet? 
This thread is exactly for that! Any music is welcome, also by well known artists. Just because the artist is known, doesnt mean every song they make is known by the gp!

In short: welcome to the music discovery thread! Don't be shy to post something, it doesnt hurt discovering new faves! 


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Moderator 6,953

I'll share some FLO as they are trying to break through. Ugh I've always loved girlgroups! This one slays hard!


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The Fame Popster 275

I've been listening to a lot of newer artists/music this year, and that's lead to a lot of music discovery! Here are some of my top recommendations!

ELIO - Sorority (my #1 song of the year so far), i got the boy, allofthat, Can I Make You Jealous?, and SELF DESTROYER!!! [she's very dream pop]

FLETCHER - Lead Me On, Crush, Antidote, Maybe I Am, and Ego Talking [pop-rockish]

Nxdia - Idc, What's It Like, and Tricky Conversations [i'd say pop-alternative]

Myylo - Pink Boy Heart [alt-pop, kinda country swag?]

The Chainsmokers - Bad Advice w/ ELIO, No Shade at Pitti, Addicted w/ ZERB and Ink, and Tennis Court [dance/electronic]

Juliet Ivy - we're all eating each other, is it my face?, 4 foot 2, and lug [dream/acoustic pop]

Blond In Car - Secret When You See One [veryyyy dream pop]

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