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Writing a Lady Gaga Book


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The best way to remember someone is to lock them up in pages together forever. No matter what it takes my history with Gaga will outlive me and her. 


I share tonight a social media page dedicated to her letters. I have posted only the start I will add some daily to the point where I add the ones written the same day. They will all end up in a book series that I know she will admire till the end, truths realities illusions of men in her life it has it all. I hope she uses it to write her own beyond 5 foot 2 as this one my book puts pressure on individuals and the reason she has problems that have deeply affected her forever. This is my second page as they didnt let me use the first or its still in review after using her name which is bummer because theres so many pages with her name and not me makes the waiting time terrible. Its really really personal although I have already shared the letters with millions of people for 325 consecutive days in other pages of writing to her daily. I wont stop writing to her until she finds me again which has never failed in 16 years. This is the longest period I haven't spent time with her 10-11 years. Since 2006 she was in my life yearly, every 6 months she would find me again or we would end up in the same place, since years before The Fame to The Fame Monster 2006-2007-2008-2009-2010-2011-2012. I know her since the year 1999, the christmas tree at rockerfeller, her family, Rock is Dead Tour. Its something that should be important for both of us as what we gone through is essential for the world to hear or atleast her get enlightened by memories she might have forgotten about, with each page me helping her remember her things. I love her.  The page is brand new eventually years of letters and reflections of her life will be there today marks 342 days of letters.


I hope you guys have fun exploring days of her life intertwined with mine. It has very strong "mature" language note it is a journal a collection of letters with her life intertwined in mine.



Edited by LoveStory
  • paws up 3
  • yaas, gaga 1
  • love 1
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