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Discord and Cookies


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Popster to Popster 4,584

After watching the discord for a bit I had a few thoughts I just wanted to throw out there.  I like seeing things so organized but when it's for a smaller, growing community like this I think that can be detrimental.  Having 3 channels for Gaga, 2 general chats and 3 for the site ends up fragmenting a lot of the discussions and can actually make the discord seem somewhat dead.  In general, I have always found that it is better for things to be more concentrated in newer communities. It's better to have one thriving channel that gets people involved and coming back and then to slowly split things out as niches form more naturally.  If the server seems dead, it's less likely that people are going to interact; it is much rarer for someone to start a conversation cold than to join in with something already going.  I don't know that that would actually solve the slowness but just throwing it out there.

Also since I know there's changes to emotes coming I figured this would be a good place to mention this: I think the "love and cookies" thing was cute but I think it's getting a little dated.  I like the idea of some of the emotes changing to represent things happening with Ga, but I think they should be for more limited amounts of time, like the Christmas lights.  It's a little janky and since the novelty has warn off, I don't even really notice it anymore.

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Popster to Popster 3,889

Agree with what you said 100% :gaga-thanks: 

The cookies was fun but like you said, it's important that it lasted while it was relevant, and I'm ready for things to shift and to only stay for as long as they're welcomed. It's so crucial for things to stay evolving.

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Pop-a-911-ster 27,423

POPa911 is a new and so a small forum (for now) and it is a fact that discord sometimes feels like a dead place. But i think the mods did an amazing work and both this forum and discord are well executed. I understand your point maybe some channels needs to be merged, i dont know.

Also Twitter organizes an emoji competition every second month and admin is having polls and trying to enrich the emojis and makes polls and etc. So there is a continuously work from the mod team. The forum has changed already 2 times in the past month, you can see the hard work and the amazing results.

But obviously every advice is welcome, it will only make the place better :happydance:

Edited by little legend
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Moderator 4,806

We are discussing this! There are updates planned that might cover some of this already. I just got a little access to our Twitter account. So I hope to improve that aswell! 

We all love this forum and believe in its potential! Popa911 is meant to stay!

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