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Lace And Leather by Britney played in my dream last night


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ARTPOPster 2,177

So, my dad, he HATES Britney Spears, almost to a passion, but I lover her :oscar:

Anyways, so a song, in my dream, started to play on the radio. It sounded kinda familiar but I didn’t think it was Britney, even though my dad thought it was her right away and turned the station, I said “No wait go back I think I like this song!!!”

He went back, sadly for him, and it didn’t sound at all like any Britney song I ever heard before.

BUT THEN THE CHORUS CAME and it was, ahem-


And I immediately knew what song it was :oscar:

Somehow the verses weren’t the same at all but the chorus played SO clearly and vividly as if I was ACTUALLY listening to it, it was really nice, I never think I’m actually dreaming when I am :dead:

Anyways, so that was that, I experienced hearing a song that I love play on the radio, well, half a song I don’t even know, half a song I love.


Has this ever happened to you before? Hearing a song in your dreams so perfectly and vividly? Leave your experiences down below :leap:

Edited by ProjectJoanne
  • lol 2
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  • ProjectJoanne changed the title to Lace And Leather by Britney played in my dream last night
ARTPOPster 1,279

LMAO Now that's a nice dream!

And yes, I've had a similar experience with music in a dream and it was also Britney but it was Outrageous, I was at the club with Britney and we dance to it :katy:

  • yaas, gaga 1
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