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Pfizer granted full FDA approval


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Popster for Sale 41,199

This rush for approval is a double-edged sword tbh. Some people will stop seeing it as an experimental drug, while some may lose trust in the FDA altogether, as the anti-vaxxers are given more ammo to show that the FDA rushes through processes.

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Kindness Admin 7,429
On 8/23/2021 at 12:14 PM, BenG said:

This rush for approval is a double-edged sword tbh. Some people will stop seeing it as an experimental drug, while some may lose trust in the FDA altogether, as the anti-vaxxers are given more ammo to show that the FDA rushes through processes.

I'm really hoping that the former far outweigh an increase of the latter. We need more people to get vaccinated, but I don't think this will turn more on the fence against the idea. . So, I think and hope, it'll have a positive impact. That said, I assume most who used this as their main excuse not to get the vaccines will indeed pivot to some other issue, like how much stronger Delta is when it comes to infecting those vaccinated (even though that's nearly useless when comparing against those vaccinated).

The world can be so depressing.

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Popster to Popster 4,584

This has seemed to be way more about giving companies cover in requiring their workforce’s to get vaccinated than about convincing bad faith idiots/people indoctrinated with misinformation.  The latter group will never be happy and constantly moves goal posts, so catering to them is a waste of everyone’s time.

Many US companies and universities were waiting on approval before fully forcing their employees (and students) to get vaccinated and I expect the hammer to start coming down, it already has at many colleges as of this morning 

Edited by NotDoctor
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