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What Chromatica songs will Gaga perform?


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The Popster 61

If she can't tour for this era, which songs do you think she will perform next time she gets to do shows? Honestly I would've loved for her to perform all of them for the Chromatica Ball, and I hope she keeps a lot of them as set staples. 

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ARTPOPster 2,177

Rain On Me for sure, definitely Stupid Love, and Free Woman, possibly 911 and that’s all, she won’t aknowledge anything from the second and third parts in the slightest and we live for that :bow:

Edited by ProjectJoanne
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Kindness Admin 6,944

In a revamped Enigma? I think she'd add RoM, 911, Free Woman and Enigma. 

I think we'd only get Sine or SC if they show up to sing it with her.

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