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My song on Spotify - Jan, 29


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The Fame Popster 484
25 minutes ago, lavenderblondee said:

This is so exciting! This song is a certified BOP. Gimme all the synth wave!


Thank u so much!! The album tracks are very solid chosen now, the recordings will continue. 
overall u hear the synth sounds but it’s more dance in all - Dreams will be the most Synthwave song on the album. Get ready for a record full of 80s/90s vibes 

  • yaas, gaga 2
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ARTPOPster 1,319
31 minutes ago, MiKEY said:

Thank u so much!! The album tracks are very solid chosen now, the recordings will continue. 
overall u hear the synth sounds but it’s more dance in all - Dreams will be the most Synthwave song on the album. Get ready for a record full of 80s/90s vibes 

More like Streams hehehhe :oscar:


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