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Supreme Court Trial of Amy Coney Barrett

Gov Hooka

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The Fame Popster 264

Hi all. So the trial of conservative Trump appointee to the Supreme Court is underway as we speak in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Even though 3 Republican Senators on the committee have tested positive and Lindsey Graham is refusing to take a test, they’re still going through with this and pulling these expected shenanigans:




She’s a devout Catholic and conservative who has pledged to gut the Affordable Care Act, and potentially pose a serious threat to reproductive rights and LGBTQ rights. Her originalist interpretation of the US constitution means she will likely be against any major labor, environmental, healthcare, racial justice, gun, or tax reforms in the future. And she’s young so she will be there for a while. 

In other words we’re screwed. :bradley:

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The Fame Popster 451
6 minutes ago, Gov Hooka said:


As always Ilhan Omar coming with the tea. Religious extremism and fundamentalism is only okay if it’s from right wing Christians. 


This scalding but tragic tea. I literally feel sick :gaga-scream:

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Popster This Way 656
12 minutes ago, Gov Hooka said:


As always Ilhan Omar coming with the tea. Religious extremism and fundamentalism is only okay if it’s from right wing Christians. 


I love her

  • yaas, gaga 1
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The Fame Popster 264


Also friendly reminder that most of Obama’s federal court appointees including his Supreme Court pick, the moderate Merrick Garland, were all blocked by the Republicans who have since PACKED dozens of positions with conservative justices. 

McConnell realized that the GOP would likely never win the House and Senate and Presidency again so he’s doing the only thing left to cement right wing power for generations to come. 

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50 minutes ago, Gov Hooka said:


As always Ilhan Omar coming with the tea. Religious extremism and fundamentalism is only okay if it’s from right wing Christians. 


I never understood what the right truly wanted. As someone who's not American and simply observing from afar, it truly comes across as high-level pettiness on a national level, saying yes and no depending on what the other party is pushing for. The funny thing is, I have never heard Democrats say they want to end religious practice or strip people from their rights to faith, so why are Republicans so adamant about being hateful. They are ridiculous.

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Popstanne 5,076

I wonder how many people are going to be exposed to Covid because of ACB-related events. :tea: Obviously, the Repubs don't care. 

Everything related to their attempts to ram through her appointment is disgusting and tainted. Can't wait to turn the Senate blue and say bye-bye to the turtle...

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I know this is awful to say but I hope all these jackasses die a horrible death. Literally the scums of the earth. Infecting other people with covid. Doing scummy sh!t to get this judge in. Absolutely deplorable. This election will vote all of these pigs out. We need to drain the swamp of this Republican jerk circle

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52 minutes ago, Franch Toast said:

I wonder how many people are going to be exposed to Covid because of ACB-related events. :tea: Obviously, the Repubs don't care. 

Everything related to their attempts to ram through her appointment is disgusting and tainted. Can't wait to turn the Senate blue and say bye-bye to the turtle...

It is horrifying to think how these senators are knowingly spreading a potentially deadly disease around and they don't care as long as they can get in a justice who will overturn the ACA. 

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