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Delicate vs You Need to Calm Down - Which is better?


Delicate vs You Need To Calm Down  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Which song is better? Delicate vs You Need to Calm Down

    • Delicate
    • You Need to Calm Down

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unpopular opinion but I like You Need To Calm Down more. I literally never heard Delicate in my country ever, and You Need To Calm Down too until December last year. I like YNTCD more because, at the end of last year, at shopping malls and food places, they started playing it a lot, but I've literally never heard Delicate anywhere, so YNTCD really grew on me because i was hearing it all the time. Don't worry, I'm not in the U.S or COVID-19 affected countries being irresponsible, my country just doesn't have any community transmitted cases so we are free to do anything without restrictions

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ARTPOPster 2,177

Oh gosh, I have AMAZING memories with both, in late 2018 I grew to love Delicate out of nowhere and listened to it nonstop, it's a perfect winter song. You Need To Calm Down came out literally the first date of my Maryland x New York City trip and it just made the whole trip even better with the new summer song and video :oscar:

I might just have to go with Delicate though, I'm more in the mood to listen to that one more than YNTCD 

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