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My name is Pikachoo. I actually discovered this forum from ATRL, where I was banned for making a very obvious joke about Rihanna and Nicki being replaced by Camila as the  Carribbean queen of the Industry.  I also posted on Gagadaily for a bit but then I heard all that had went down over on that forum, so I got myself banned there in solidarity with your cause.

anyway, I'm excited to join you all and actually discuss the charts because I know almost nothing about how they work but I'm keen to learn!

be blessed,




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10 hours ago, Pikachoo said:

I'm excited to join you all and actually discuss the charts because I know almost nothing about how they work but I'm keen to learn!

You’re welcomed to ask any questions and participate in the chart thread whenever you want. Welcome to the forum!

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Kindness Admin 8,737

Welcome! I hope you enjoy our space here on the Internet. We love games, charts and kindness. Stick around and bring some friends :)

pokemon GIF

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Deactivated 14,311
21 hours ago, Pikachoo said:

thank you all for the warm welcome!


3 hours ago, chailatte said:

Welcome! I'm also new here :shakes:

Welcome both! Hope you both enjoy this forum and your time here!

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