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BREAKING: Abortion will no longer be guaranteed as a right in the U.S.


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  • Nightwing changed the title to BREAKING: Abortion will no longer be guaranteed as a right in the U.S.
The Fame Popster 401

I appreciated Charlotte's post about our inherent autonomy v. the state. 

"The only part of my past I regret or rebuke is my credulity—any moment when I degraded myself by believing in the integrity of these systems. The privacy of my experiences, which is to say my interiority, is not bestowed and therefore can’t be stripped away."

And I didn't hate Bruenig's pro-natal take.

"What I mean to say is that in my mind, everything I believe in braids together in a vision of the world suffused with superabundant creativity, celebration, and life, and I suspect that we can inch closer to that place through a politics of equality, justice, and love."

However, I don't agree children will become a political marker in the way she argues. It's wishful thinking given her brand/identity is so tied up in being a leftist unicorn w/ a husband & kids and she likely believes in the Roe effect (a theory that argues the practice of abortion will lead to an anti-abortion, conservative, religious populace... lol).

Edited by blue
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