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Where were you when Stupid Love leaked?


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Pop-a-911-ster 27,423

On the bus coming home from the city i study to my home town, and i listened to it only 1 time cause then i hadnt Internet access and i had to wait for 3 hours to go home and listen to it again :bradley:

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ARTPOPster 2,177

I was in my English class in my last hour, I spend the rest of the time waiting for my dad to pick me up strutting it down the hallways with my 1 wireless earbud that worked portending I was a queen acting inferior over everyone for hearing a song they haven't heard yet. Not gonna lie, it was awesome :romance:

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The Popster 124

Getting ready for school. I downloaded it real quick and played it on loop (it's the only song I heard that day, I played it while I was showering, eating, going to school, even on break time, and on the way home, I was so obsessed :rip:)

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The Popster 36

I was making mii's on my brother's nintendo switch because he got a switch lite and i decided to search for gaga in the news section of my browser, in which i found out it leaked. i went on twitter, enjoyed the memes, discovered gagadaily, and joined a gaga discord server.


as for when it was officially announced, i was on my floor because i smacked my hand against a metal bar out of excitement and was preparing to pass out.

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