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Mitch McConnell pleased about impeachment


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ARTPOPster 2,450

“Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, has told associates that he believes President Trump committed impeachable offenses and that he is pleased that Democrats are moving to impeach him, believing that it will make it easier to purge him from the party, according to people familiar with his thinking. The House is voting on Wednesday to formally charge Mr. Trump with inciting violence against the country.”




today’s my birthday and this is like the best birthday present (if anything comes from it anyway)

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Popster to Popster 4,584

This sounds a little like fan fiction but also I'd love to see it :billie:

I imagine that McConnell sees the writing on the wall that if he doesn't extinguish Trump now, that brand of extremism will continue to rot out the GOP.  The Trump acolytes say the quiet part out loud and it's seemingly hurting the GOP financially 

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Banned 550
17 minutes ago, NotDoctor said:

I imagine that McConnell sees the writing on the wall that if he doesn't extinguish Trump now, that brand of extremism will continue to rot out the GOP

Exactly. My Congressional District's representative is the first GOP to back impeachment. It could actually happen, both impeachment and conviction

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Kindness Admin 6,944

This made me pretty happy too, even if he's into it for totally selfish reasons. If they actually convict him I will be so happy. Not just for preventing him from running again as Gaga said, but just because it would be SO symbolic. He'd be the first to be impeached and convicted.

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Deactivated 14,311
2 minutes ago, admin said:

This made me pretty happy too, even if he's into it for totally selfish reasons. If they actually convict him I will be so happy. Not just for preventing him from running again as Gaga said, but just because it would be SO symbolic. He'd be the first to be impeached and convicted.

I’ve always said- IDC who runs the country as long as you do the right thing... so at least he is now? Idek how to feel for USA atm besides terrified and scared for these next weeks...

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The Popster 53
10 hours ago, NotDoctor said:

This sounds a little like fan fiction but also I'd love to see it :billie:

I imagine that McConnell sees the writing on the wall that if he doesn't extinguish Trump now, that brand of extremism will continue to rot out the GOP.  The Trump acolytes say the quiet part out loud and it's seemingly hurting the GOP financially 

Exactly. Trump was the ultimate dead cat bounce, his brand of extremism was never going to be sustainable. Hell, he *only* lasted one term and it still ended with an attempted coup. The only long-term path for the GOP is if they seperate themselves from Trump and court the minority vote.

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Popster to Popster 4,584
8 hours ago, admin said:

This made me pretty happy too, even if he's into it for totally selfish reasons. If they actually convict him I will be so happy. Not just for preventing him from running again as Gaga said, but just because it would be SO symbolic. He'd be the first to be impeached and convicted.

There's a lot of misinformation going around on this so just wanted to point out for anyone that missed the recent clarifications: impeachment conviction does not inherently stop Trump from running again.  There would have to be a separate vote for that part.  That only takes a simple majority though, not the 2/3 needed for conviction 

Edited by NotDoctor
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