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Popster This Way 821


Whalecum horror fanatics!

This thread is dedicated to all those who love all things horror!

Feel free to post about your favorite films, upcoming releases, spooky episodes, and haunting novels.


But always remember the rules:

1) You can never have sex.

2) You can never drink or do drugs.

3) Never say "I'll be right back."

wes craven horror GIF

Just kidding, do whatever you'd like. 



Club Members:


Edited by Doot
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Popster This Way 821
1 hour ago, kaelergrey said:

Is this new? Wait, Ill check it out. Thank you for the recommendation. :sweat:

It came out last year, and is Cthulu based. Its pretty awesome.


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ARTPOPster 1,331
3 minutes ago, admin said:

My fave horror movie this season has been Host. Strongly recommend:


Same! I was about to post this,  favorite from this year so far.

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Community Leader 1,294
13 minutes ago, admin said:

My fave horror movie this season has been Host. Strongly recommend:


Will watch. @admin and @Doot recommending good horror movies. yassss.  

owww and I also checked admins list and watched vivarium. It is now a favorite of mine. :sweat:

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Popster This Way 821
14 minutes ago, admin said:

My fave horror movie this season has been Host. Strongly recommend:


Ive heard of this, I will have to check it out. 

I am trying to get through The Walking Dead, and then ill have a week or two of binging movies.

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