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PopA911 Feud Season 3: Lady Gaga and the Main Pop Girls

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A Popster Is Born 17,408

Hi Feuders! Welcome Back!!


This season we'll talk about Gaga featuring the Main Pop Girls, for the first round we'll have Pop Superstars Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande.

Season 3 Round 1: Lady Gaga ft. Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande
1.    Name a No.1 Taylor Swift Song.
2.    Aside from the US, What is Taylor’s strongest market?
3.    What is Taylor’s Best Album?
4.    Name one of Taylor’s ex.
5.    What country Taylor flopped the most?
6.    Before Ari’s string of H100 No.1s, what’s her biggest song?
7.    What is Ariana’s Best Album?
8.    What is Ariana’s Worst Album?
9.    What is Ariana’s gayest song?
10.    Aside from Rain On Me, what is Ariana’s best No.1 song?
11.    Who’s Gaga’s TOTGA?
12.    Name a non-top10 Gaga song that deserved the H100 No.1 the most.
13.    If Gaga were to release a song from the vault, what would it be?
14.    What hair color is best for Gaga?
15.    The best Gaga song to play while having sex.
Bonus: What do you do first when you wake up?

How To Play PopA911 Feud?

  • Play the Game like the TV Show “Family Feud” but you’re on your own.
  • It's either you play for your personal fave or answer majority's most probable choice to WIN.
  • Give 1 Answer each including the "Bonus" and PM me your 16 answers.
  • Points will be based from the answers of the participants. (Ex. 20 Participants answered Bad Romance as Best Gaga MV, each user will be awarded 20 Points / 10 Participants voted 911, 10 Points and so on)
  • Unique answers will get 1 Point but ZERO if the answer is not valid. (Ex. Hair as Best MV = 0)
  • The User with the biggest accumulated points will be hailed as WINNER.
  • Have Fun!

DEADLINE: on or before 0:00 Midnight of Jan29, 2022

CEREMONY: 10:00AM EST, Jan29, 2022

Calling my legendary Feuders:


911 @0707alp @1mi_K @5HZombie12 @A Little Monsterrr @a.random.little.moster @AaronJ @absolutelyjc @ad9nn @Adakam @Adakam @Adam_Monster @admin @Agustin @Aiman19 @Ale @alejandro by lady gaga @Alejandro44 @alexey_McEuriv @alexthepersonny @Alfze @ALICE @Alina @Alistair_ @AlleyCat @almeric @Almond Milk @ami @Amidana @Anastasia @Andreas @Andreu @Andrianna1998 @Angie @Animal Claws @Annemjuvland @Anongirl   @APHRODITE @Aphrodite Lady @Aphrodizy26 @Applause @Arizona Sky @artgagapop @ARTPOP @Artpop lover @ARTPOP Stan @ARTPOPIANA @artpopnasty @Artur @Arturo @Azor Ahai @Babylon @babylonhooker @BadGurlMadge @Baepsae @Baieia @Bakugo @BarkWoof22 @bastos @Battleforyourlife @bealovesgaga @beelzemon @BenG @benisnotok @bertalozzz @BibleThisWay @biblicalmonster @bijon @Bilola @BlakeyBoo95 @blankpaper @blastertoyo @bloodnoir @Blown Away @blue @Bonny @Born In Chromatica @BornthisJ @Boulanger @bpsy @Breathin @Brecht @brefike @Brie Candy @Brit9 @brnrd @Brooklyn Chapel @brownie @Btw @Byran Bobson @cait @CALBooking @calmar @Candy Gaga @CannaeDrive @Cas @ccurt7755 @Cerv @Chann1717 @charliecashmere @chartgaga @CherryPie @Chopper @chormatica911 @Chriscros4 @Chromatica @Chromaticandi @ChromaticasPunk @chromaticaxcx @CHROMATICON @ChromaticRaccoon @Cocaine Heart @CokeDestroyer @Colorful @Computer @ConnorFilm @Cookies @Cookies @COOOK @cornless_ @corvus albus @cosmic @Clever Username@crazybadbich97 @CroatianFad01 @CurvaceousLimericker @Cyclonus @Dadley Pooper @dana.ioana @danbekim @danwasd @Daphne Guinness @Dark Paradise @DarkHawk @Davian @DAVID SANTOS @Daylight Oreos @DeanClownchester @DeleteForever @Dennis Lemp @DennisConcert @derpmonster @Devin @DiamondKing @Didymus @Dirkje @dllcll @Dolce @donatellab @DonatellaPop @Doncho @DonnieDarko @Doot @dopestan13 @Drkitten @durelleatough @Dutch @Dutrall @ed2735 @Edonis @ElieGaga @Elisa chs @elusivecaution @Elvira @enigma popstar @EnigmaticAndroid @entela @Enya @Enzo @EroticaBarbie @ErraHaze @Essie @estium @ethan @Ethel @ev1379 @EveryGaGa @FarixGaga @Fernando @fernplantfun @FFXIV WhiteMage @flint @Focz @folklore. @Footile @franminervini@Francesco Casotti @Franch Toast @Franxxx Dreams @Franz Ferdinand @FRANZGA @Fraspeechless @Freddy @gabrielflorin01 @GAGA @gagaschickens @Gagacharts @GagaFanatic @GAGAFLIX @GagaGlambert @GagaIsMyCure @gagalilm @Gagalvaro @Gagaohhlala @gagapictures @gagarox @gagarrhea @gagarxx @Gagas911 @gagasevermore @gagaspositions @GagaXCollection @gagaxuan @GalaxyGamerGuy @gary @germloop @Gimme More @GitHub @glass @Glittertinks @gloriaroseva @GODPOP @gorgeousgaga @gorskillet @Gov Hooka @Gracious Gaga @grandextraordinaire @Graphitium @Sir.Sim @GreekGod @Guilherme @GuiLM @Gustavo @Gypsy Guy Holland @Gypsy Life @Gypsygaga @GypsyLife14 @Haed invadr @Hags Labs @hammer @Hanna @Hannah1179 @HarryKim @haus.of.lillea @HausLabsBabylon @HausOfLexi @HeavyMetalGagaLover @HeavyMetalLover @Heij @Hejira @Henry @Hew @high heeled fem @highlikegaga @HitTheBoat @holyxfad @HotLikeMexico @Hugo @HugoBoss @Hurem @iamsorry @ichromaticant @ICY @Iker Augusto @ImTired16 @imwoahvicky @Instant @Interlude @Irrelevant @ItsGenuineGuy09 @itsmebuddy @jackgannan @jaehavocado @Jamie Jenkins @Jayfire @Jazz @jbesno @Jean Gabriel Dias da Silva @Jenina @JennyWayne @Jenoma @JeVeuxTonAmour @JevyDuty @Jillian @jimmyoioioio @JJ Monster @JNLolz @Joannesrats @Joesuda @Johncayse @johngagas @JohnsBrownEyes @Jonathan @joseanto1997 @Joseph @JoshJacko6 @Jujubaruda @justhislife @JustJames @justhislife @JustJustan @kaelergrey @Kahli @kaixvenus @Karina @KatieJudasGaga4  @kaixvenus @Karina @KatieJudasGaga4 @Kattys @KerryPerry2020 @Keshasaurus @Kimmo @kinda @King @KingOfSpain @KleinGa @Krazy @LadariousGarage @LadeonXire @Ladie Goga @Lady Gaga @ladygaga @LadyGoo @LaLa @Lastrassi @lavenderblondee @Lazz Monster @lego @Leon Kampjes @leonardo @LetsGetHigh @LG7 @lgaga1fan @LGN @LibroLupo @Liebrandt @lifeasgeorge @lilith @lillian @LilMonsterXoXo @lilMunster2008 @Lionel Ronaldo @little legend @Little Monsters @Little_Monster @Littlemonster00 @Live_Wire @loathereality @lookinggoodfeelingfine @Lorde Von Kok @lowyeechoy @Luc @Luks @macey @Madame X @Maggie7 @majaa @Malazam @MANiCURE1295 @marcobaleno @Marilyn MonHoe @Mario @Mark @Mary Jane Gaga @Mary Jane Holland @maryjanegodga @mataika @Matteo Remondi @MaulJHolland @Max_Vandeburg @Miaou @MichKowa @MiKEY @Million Gypsies @Mirages @MissAsia @Mister G @Mister_M @MnstrEnigma00 @Modern Ecstasy2 @modernecstasy_ @monketsharona @MonsterBoy @MonsteressClea @monstertingz @Morphine Prince @mothermonstersbaby @Mr. V @Mr.okami @Ms I am a local @murilo @Musiccoffee666 @Musicisfreedom @MusicOfACentury @My a** is famous @Mylo @naeokk @Nemanja @nenhures @nevroglie @NFRockwell @Niceta95 @NicksARTPOP @NicoMaa @niicksgaga @Nino @Nixon2053 @not a french fry @NotDoctor @NotGod @Noturregularmonster @Nuggets @Nunox @NYNJ Gypsy @OBEY @ObezyankaNol @Obman @OG Gaga Stan @OGHspy @OnionGirl @Oscar @OwOen @Panayiotis @PanPikus @Paradise is in my hands @paradox @Party Favor @Patch The Line @pato @pdpenguin @Pedro98 @PerfectGUY @PETTY @piarayensii @Pikoh @PlastiscGuy @PLB @POPARTHD @Popcons @PopEmergency @PrinceOTStorm @princessesdie @ProdigyARTPOP @ProjectJoanne @Queen @querky_gay @Ra2 @rainonchromatica @ralloz @raragaga @Ratviolo @Red Velvet @RedPillBlues @Redvers @REEEEE @RemiRatatouille @Renoire @RFK @Rick.r5 @rickmin @Riyad @RobyTheGerm @Rocket9 @Rory javanagh @rosewater @Ross Barker @Runway @Rumour @ryanripley @Ryusei @sadho @Saint @Saimon @SamanthaC @Samueld9 @Sanjay @Sara @Scheißexfame57 @ScottsHQ_PopA911 @Sempiternal @serpathway @sethhyyy @sexyslutboy @Shadow @Shadow Works @ShemmyMa @ShesAMess @Shoful @sickandtired2.0 @SissyFromSpace @sizzily @Skadi @skeletonguns @SLAG @Sloansabbith99 @SloppyJoe. @SmokeyVibez @Snoopy @solasis @SombR3ro @Soobin @Sour Candy @SourCandy @SOYEON @spacekidzzz @SpanishMonster @Staff Bot @Stanley Digaga @Starboy @Stargazer @steccazero @stefan503 @Stefisgaga @Stephen @Steven @StormPulse @SugaryMonster17 @Summerboy @Summerboy2007 @summerboy911 @Sunny @swakby @Swallow @SwissMonster @Tamiel @Tana Mongeau @tareq @Tati Cavala @tealambition @technologic @TeenIdle @Telephone911 @thatsg0ssipp @The Archer @The Professor @The Royal Orora @TheClown @TheCureInChromatica @TheFame @thehanyo @ThePerfectCure @TheReal @TheRoof @thetea @Thirteen @Thrasher @Timmers @TINDER @tlam888 @TNel @Tom Robso @Tomsches @Topflapen @trashyanayaa @Treacherous Swiftie @TrumpGagastan @Tsunade @Tufos @Twitter @TylerMinaj @VALKYNAZ @Valorious @valorv @Vanity @Varys @Venom @Venus Rose @vince_martin88 @ViviLittleM @VOLANTIS @VSchwarz @Warhol Killer @Warrior Queen @WarriorQueen @WasDraqWic @Water @WatermeloneSugar @WatermeloneSugar @Wet And Gushy @WildAmerican @wonejomonster @xo_hours @xoxoryan @Yanko @yiasmina23x @Zak @ChromaticaOreos @holly_fool @Ladygagafan @Andre Portugal @Beatriz @Enigma of Babylon @luna @Jeroin2000 @ChromaticaPunk @Wiktoria @Lamarrkx @Lex @James @GagaSine @originaldoll94 @Joanne @Taylor Swift @V For Vendetta @VALKYNAZ 

@alexthepersonny @Taylor89 @Little Monsters @ICY @King @Telephone911 @GagaIsMyCure @Krazentela Streep of the N @Zami @zcasx @zoldyck @Delusional @blankpaper

@AD0REKRISTINA @Ag_lmc @alexa_290 @alexthepersonny @Alistair_ @Andre Portugal @Andrea @MDNA

@Animal Claws @Arianne @artpopculture @Arturo @Beatriz @beautyqueendisaster @Biglittlemonster @blade @bloody grammys @Bnny @BorisIsHere @Byran Bobson @Carre @ceyc @chailatte @ChromaticaPunk @ColloidGroup 

@mathias @MilkywayArt @Miss Oreo @Nana @NicksARTPOP @originaldoll94  @Panayiotis @Pikachoo @Popa911Alice @Purple_Aisu @Quarttynha @ReadyGaga @Riyad @Roro @Rusty @Sam @Sayulita @shiv @Smurko @Sophi @Taylor Swift @Taylor89 @thetea @tony@Colorful @Darklorde @delpta @Dark Paradise @Devon @Diesel6601 @Dragon @Drew @elxbrujo @Emanuele @emig_09 @Enigma of Babylon @EveryGaGa @flint @flyp @GagaSine @gaggshooker @government_alexa @Gwen_d06 @holly_fool @ICY @James @Jaume @Jean Gabriel Dias da Silva @Jeroin2000@JillyinGaga @Joanne @Junior Clementino @KetysandGagsSon @King @Kristine @kyliebiglipss @Lady Gaga A Go Go @Ladygagafan @Lamarrkx @LandonM170 @Lex @LG7 @LGMonster95 @Little Monster @Loukianosww @luna @Little Monsters @lunnuyu @majron @Maneesh @marievenus @Mario44 @Mark @V For Vendetta @vvoid_xX @want_ur_bad_romance @Wiktoria @wilber gaga o lala @xoxo craig @xoxoJohnnyGaga @YourPocko @Zak @Zenoeu4@Bridge over Troubled Dream @BubbleGumPopb*ch @Emerald @JameLM @Sagittarius @Space Oddity Gaga Rave @Underneath



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  • yaas, gaga 6
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A Popster Is Born 17,408

@BenG , our winner from the last round can use any of these special power:

Select any Question they're comfortable with

1.  and use "double points" for Top Answer. (every top user will get double points)

2. and use "set-to-zero points" power for those with answers below them. (ex. they answered the top answer, everything outside Top answer will get ZERO points.. if they answered a UNIQUE one, nobody will get ZERO Points aside from the invalid ones)

3. and use "negative points" power for every user who answered invalid/unique answers. (-5 points to be awarded)

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A Popster Is Born 17,408
On 1/21/2022 at 11:33 PM, little legend said:

What TOTGA means?

The One That Got Away? The song from Katy Perry?

that's the beauty in it :ally:

can't wait for the INVALID Answers :bunny:

  • yaas, gaga 1
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A Popster Is Born 17,408
On 1/22/2022 at 12:55 AM, DonnieDarko said:

Wait, how do I answer? Like I have to copy the questions, then answer them and send it to you via a pm? @FRANZGA I feel dumb.

yes.. or you can just list your answers

you can do either way

  • thanks 1
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